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Get back to who you really are

what is emerging in your life that you could use…

peace of mind,

grounding AND SUPPORT in the midst of change, or SIMPLE dELIGHT in the present moment?

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Hi, I’m Susan.

It was 12 years ago that I realized something was missing in my life, I just wasn’t sure of what. Over the last decade of exploration and study, I discovered the missing halves to my Western Education and left-brain approach to life: Eastern, Holistic practices with an infusion of right-brain living.

I am now a Life and Education Coach who merges these practices together to help my clients heal and transform their lives.


In working with me, you will gain a deeply personal and multifaceted approach to your own self-discovery. You will learn how to care for yourself in unique and specific ways to find your peace of mind, grounding, healing and joy. Your sessions will consist of learning to better cope with emotional issues and life challenges through the use of techniques, strategies and tools taught in our sessions together. In implementing the teachings, you will gain an awareness of being present and mindful in everyday life.



For adult men and women of any age and life stage, ready to dig into their dissatisfaction, confusion, or anxiety and start the journey toward peace of mind and joy. I blend life coaching and holistic practices for a customized approach to learning & healing.

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For students preparing to take the ACT, SAT, LSAT, or begin the application process for college or a masters degree. This is a package of Educational Coaching sessions that includes lesson plans, timelines, application reviews and more.

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For men and women wanting to discuss current emotional issues and formulate a remedy designed specifically for you. We will use Reiki, which is a Japanese form of relaxation and stress reduction, and/or Bach Flower Essence and Arivigo techniques.

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My life feels more balanced, aligned and clear when I see Susan on a regular basis. I have told many people about her! I find the most calming beautiful energy with this woman and my life is more blessed for knowing her and working with her!
— A.M.
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It’s time.

I work with men and women ready to get back to who they really are and need help paving the path to get there.

Some know what they need to do — maybe it’s to pass a big exam, get into a college or graduate program, and secure their dream job (while staying grounded along the way). But, they need a program laid out; checklists and tools and someone dedicated to their success. I walk alongside many like this through my Educational Coaching.

Others have given up on ‘pretending’ and are finally ready to dig to the root of their pain — their secret (or not so secret) issues that have been holding them back from being their truest selves. These are my Life Coaching clients. They know that change is necessary (and urgent) but may not know what the next step is. And that’s ok, in fact, it’s the best place to start: the beginning.

Resonate with you?

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I highly recommend Susan. She prepares the student not only for the test material, but also mentally and psychologically, from day one of study through test day. She understands the process for getting into law school and was a wonderful mentor to our son.
— M.C.

We’re living in a fast-paced, constantly changing world.

We are expected to do more, accomplish more, and be more in our work, home and personal lives.
Media surrounds us in each waking moment, constantly vying for our time and attention.
Not to mention the global pandemic that has caused a complete upheaval of life as we know it, demanding that we do everything differently and adjust to a new way of living.

In the midst of it all…

  • Are you letting go of things that are not working anymore; able to grow and change in new areas of your life?

  • Do you have the tools you need to stay grounded, balanced, and find pleasure each day?

  • Do you feel tired before you even get out of bed in the morning, or feel like you are just going through the motions at work and at home?

  • Do you crave stillness and rest but are always anxious, frightened or upset over daily issues?

  • Is your stomach tied up in knots over work, school, family, or your direction in life?

By combining my background
as a teacher, lawyer and counselor…

with my holistic trainings & certifications as a Reiki Master and Bach Flower Healer, I offer a multi-faceted approach to helping you thrive. I invite you to join me for an exploration into who you are at your core essence and how you can fully care for yourself in mind, body and spirit.

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I’m simply the facilitator; the nurturer, helping cultivate the soil so you will bloom to your fullest potential.