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Hi, i’m susan

I’m a Life and Educational Coach with a purpose to help heal each person who walks in my door.

I say “help,” because you play just as large of a role in your own healing as I do. Mental. Emotional. Physical. Spiritual… it’s all interconnected.

Since I truly believe that each person has the power and intuition within them to create their own healing, I serve as a guide in the process, offering the tools I have learned along my own journey of being a teacher, counselor, lawyer, mother, and now Reiki Master and Bach Flower practitioner.

I am based in Grand Rapids, Michigan and meet with men and women of all ages who can’t wait another day to feel at peace, grounded, and joyful. Whether you are business professional looking to get in touch with who you truly are and re-discover delight, a student needing strategies for ACT/SAT & college prep, or a young mother navigating your way through a new normal, I serve each client with a unique and highly personal approach to your own healing and wellbeing.

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I was wary in the beginning to reach out and work with Susan for myself. I am so very glad I took the chance! I highly recommend giving yourself the gift of a potentially life opening transformation.
— M.K.
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My story

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I’ve been around the block. (A few times)

My work is multifaceted because my education, certifications, and life experiences are multifaceted. I have a BA in English and Education, which launched my teaching career in 1975. While working as an elementary teacher, I received an MA in Counseling from Michigan State University. This opened my eyes to my students’ needs and led me down a path toward group work with children and adults.

While continuing to teach full-time, I then studied law and landed with a JD (Juris Doctor) — which is a fancy way to say I am a licensed lawyer.

I was trained to think and analyze issues in a new way, which complemented the other two degrees. But yet, Western education and linear thinking were the basis of my life for many years.

But then… I realized something was missing.

Just over a decade ago, I got curious and open to approaching life differently.

At that time in my life I called myself a ‘Marriot camper,’ so you can understand how much I was out of my comfort zone when I found myself riding two hours into the jungle near the Guatemalan border in a van with 15 others from all over the world. My first night at jungle camp found me with no cell service, no electricity for my hair dryer (oh no), shared showers and potties, and a picnic table outside for our meals. We were warned of the multitude of poisonous spiders inside and outside our tents and we learned very quickly what a howler monkey sounded like in the wee morning hours. (Like the T-Rex in Jurassic Park.)

What happened… and how did it get me to today?



For adult men and women of any age and life stage, ready to dig into their dissatisfaction, confusion, or anxiety and start the journey toward peace of mind and joy. I blend life coaching and holistic practices for a customized approach to learning & healing.

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For students preparing to take the ACT, SAT, LSAT, or begin the application process for college or masters degrees. This is a package of Educational Coaching sessions that includes lesson plans, timelines, application reviews and more.

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For men and women wanting to discuss current emotional issues and formulate a remedy designed specifically for you. We will use Reiki, which is a Japanese form of relaxation and stress reduction, and/or Bach Flower Essence and Arivigo techniques.

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My life feels more balanced, aligned and clear when I see Susan on a regular basis. I find the most calming, beautiful energy with this woman and my life is more blessed for
knowing her and working with her.
— A.M.
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